THE GIRL - After the Curse

After Kyo and the other members of the zodiac attend the final banquet with Akito, Kyo returns to Tohru's side and they resume their school days together. Tohru is the most adorable girl in love; becoming excited when she sees Kyo. Kyo jokes, asking her if she's a dog. ^^ As summer holidays are coming up soon, Kyo tells Tohru that they should go places. Tohru is so happy at the idea but lets Kyo know that Uotani and Hanajima insisted on coming along for their first date. Kyo is a bit mortified at the thought but says it's okay since they're basically Tohru's surrogate parents.

After school, they walk hand-in-hand to Kazuma's dojo to deliver him the good news. Kazuma jokes that he can now die happy (which completely freaks Tohru out) and Kunimitsu reminds Kazuma that he can look forward to becoming a grandfather. XD

For their first official date, Kyo takes Tohru to a small zoo. Uotani and Hanajima accompany them and give Kyo a hard time but Tohru is enjoying herself. They find an area where there are a lot of cats that visitors can pet and the cats aren't remotely interested in Kyo anymore. Tohru snuggles the felines and Kyo thinks about how she gathered the beads of his bracelet the day the curse was broken. He feels he would have eventually regretted not gathering the beads himself and believes that loving a person means loving their past and their future. Tohru demonstrates this as she lovingly holds the beads close to her once she's gathered them up. Uotani and Hanajima end up leaving the two, telling Kyo when Tohru is in the bathroom that they're putting their faith in him to take care of her.

Before they go home for the night, Kyo asks to stop by Kyoko's grave. He tells Tohru that he wants to leave after graduation so that he can see more of the world. Kazuma knows someone with a dojo far away from where they currently live and Kyo wants to go there so that when he takes over for Kazuma once he retires, he will have important outside experience that will help him run the dojo better. Tohru says that she wants to go with him, even if it means she can't visit her friends as easily or as often.

Tohru also tells Kyo that, without a doubt, Kyoko's last words were not born of malice toward him. Kyo speaks to Kyoko's grave and asks if it is okay to take Tohru away for a little while and vows to keep the promise he made to her as a child. A flashback from Kyoko's point of view occurs and it's revealed that, as she lay dying, her only thought was of Tohru and when she recognized Kyo, she tries to tell him that he must live up to his promise to take care of Tohru, else she wouldn't forgive him.

After graduation, Kyo and Tohru help clean up Shigure's house and they say goodbye to the place they've lived for the last few years and move on to better things.


In the very last scene of the final chapter, we see a young girl looking for her grandfather and grandmother. She comes into the kitchen to find her mother baking a cake and asks where Tohru and Kyo are. Her mother tells her she should call them obaa-chan and ojii-chan! The girl's father (likely Sohma Hajime, as revealed in Fruits Basket another) says that they're out walking and we see an old Tohru and Kyo walking hand in hand, still very much in love with each other. We also see that along with their family photos, they have kept the hat, Kyo's bracelet and the zodiac animals that Tohru had when she was a teen.

First Meeting
New Year
A Test of Acceptance
Carefree Days
Something Cinderella-ish
Beginning to Break the Curse
After the Curse
