THE GIRL - Beginning to Break the Curse

When Tohru is confronted by Kureno and told that he has been freed from the curse, Tohru is weighed down by what this means. One day after school, Tohru asks Kyo what he would think if he found out one of the zodiac members had been released from the curse. Kyo looks dismayed and says he doesn't know, and tells her to stop making up scenereos about it. Tohru immediately apologises and Kyo, tells her not to because he isn't mad. They're both so flustered with having upset each other that Kyo takes a paper flower he had made earlier and gives it to her. His expression alone shows how concerned and sorry he is. Tohru takes the paper flower with a timid smile but before anything else happens, their classmates burst in on them.

Much later, Tohru overhears Shigure telling Rin that the curse is slowly disintegrating. She asks how long it would take? Years, decades? Rin says that as long as it's broken eventually, she doesn't care but Tohru desperately cries that it must be before spring; if not, Kyo… she trails off and leaves, going to Kazuma's dojo. When she sees Kyo she breaks into tears, begging him silently not to leave. She quickly leaves so Kyo won't see her like this and thinks about how Kyo has replaced her mother as the most important person in her life. Shigure catches up to her and they talk further about Kyo's role as the cat. Tohru can't take hearing about how badly Kyo will be treated and begins to cry; Kyo finds the two of them and Shigure makes up an excuse that Tohru had a fight with Rin. Shigure leaves them alone and Kyo tells Tohru it's okay to cry and stays with her until she's able to stop.


The second anniversary of Kyoko's death arrives and Kyo tells Tohru he can't visit Kyoko's grave with her. Tohru smiles and says it's alright. Kyo goes later on to visit his own mother's grave and ends up seeing Tohru's grandfather in the cemetery. He recognizes Kyo instantly as the orange-haired boy that used to hang around Kyoko and asks how Tohru is doing. He also tells Kyo about why Tohru speaks so formally; she heard adults talk about how she didn't resemble her father at all and that maybe she was even another man's child. Tohru's grandfather says they probably didn't realise that children are fully capable of understanding what they're saying. This makes Kyo think of the cruel words his father said around him at his mother's funeral when he was a child.

Kyo asks him why he's bothering to tell him all of this and Tohru's grandfather says it's because Tohru seems important to Kyo. Before Kyo leaves, her grandfather thanks him for the company and tells him to take care of his granddaughter.

The discussion about Tohru's parents makes Kyo think about his time with Kyoko and when he looked in on Tohru who, to him, seemed very lonely. He goes home to find her and asks her about her father. At first Tohru is happy to answer but breaks down crying when she admits that she was afraid to be left alone. Kyo holds her as she cries, telling her that she can let it all out. They embrace, though because a bedsheet is hanging between them, Kyo doesn't transform.

They go back inside and Tohru shows Kyo a photo of her father. Kyo comments that it's very like her to have a photo of him. Tohru seems happy to be able to share her family photos with Kyo.



Things are a little awkward between Kyo and Tohru when they accidentally brush hands together, thinking about when they embraced earlier. Kyo asks Tohru if there's anywhere she'd like to go and in a fluster, she says she needs to buy eggs. Kyo tells her if she thinks of anything else while they're out, to let him know and she says that just spending time together makes her happy. Kyo is caught off guard at how cute Tohru looks when she says this and punishes himself for having dirty thoughts. xD Too cute.


Later when Tohru goes to visit Rin and confesses to her that Kyo is the most important person to her, Kagura bursts in and emotionally hits Tohru in the head saying she needs to tell Kyo this. As she's knocked out, Tohru thinks about how she had felt as if she was betraying her mother by admitting that Kyo had taken her place as most important.

When she awakes, Kyo is sitting over her and asks if she feels alright. As he walks her back home, Tohru tries to muster up the courage to tell him how she feels. She still has trouble with it and doesn't tell him, but she resolves that she will try to gather the courage needed to get to that point. Kyo seems shocked to hear it.

First Meeting
New Year
A Test of Acceptance
Carefree Days
Something Cinderella-ish
Beginning to Break the Curse
After the Curse
